WELCOME Future Green Knight!

Welcome to the Notre Dame community! For over 75 years, Notre Dame High School has been educating students in the Holy Cross tradition. With a newly renovated building, unique academic programs and a vibrant school community, we know you will find your place at Notre Dame. Visit this page for all your important information and deadlines.

Important Dates and Deadlines:

  • Family Orientation - Thursday, May 2, 2024 at 6:30pm 

  • Class of 2028 Parent/ Guardian Orientation - Tuesday, August 27 at 6:00pm

  • Class of 2028 Student Orientation - Wednesday, August 28  & Thursday August 29 

  • Labor Day - Monday, September 2 - No School 

  • First Day of Classes - Tuesday, September 3

Click to see the 2024-25 Academic Calendar

End of Year Enrollment Forms

  • Complete your Health Forms and return to the School Nurse. 

  • Submit your End of Year Records Release Form to your son’s current school to authorize the release of his final 8th grade report card/ official transcript to be sent to Notre Dame.  Transfer students click here for the Transfer Records Release Form.

  • Review your Student Information Form and return to the Admission Office by May 30. Forms may be scanned to the Admission Office at [email protected], mailed to One Notre Dame Way, West Haven, CT 06516, or dropped off in-person with Ms. Schulken in the Main Office. 

Sign Up for Summer Opportunities at nd

Class of 2028 Summer Engineering Camp: Dates: June 10 - 13 or June 24 - 27 Times: 8:30am - 11:30am Cost: The cost per student is $100.00. Camp sessions will be taught by Notre Dame's very own Dr. Yolanda Valencia, Director of Engineering at Notre Dame High School. During this summer camp, students will learn fundamental engineering concepts in a fun, collaborative environment with plenty of hands-on learning opportunities.  Students will have the opportunity to: Build and program robots. Learn basic coding and electronics through interactive robotics challenges. Design objects using computer-aided design (CAD) software. Students will use a 3D printer to bring their designs to life. Fly drones. Explore the world of unmanned aerial vehicles through flight simulations and outdoor excursions (weather permitting). Students will work as part of an engineering team to solve problems. Campers will develop teamwork, communication, and critical thinking skills. Questions can be directed to Dr. Yolanda Valencia at [email protected].



Sumer Athletic Camps, Strength and Conditioning Training: Registration is open for 2024 Summer Sport Camps at Notre Dame. Sign up for a Green Knight Sports Camp and spend time with Notre Dame Coaches developing fundamentals and skills necessary to compete and excel in your athletics.


Tuition payments

All tuition payments must be made according to the plan you selected when you completed your Deposit and Enrollment Contract.  All tuition payments should be remitted to Smart Tuition. As a reminder, the three approved payment plan options are: 

Plan I - Annual Installment: Annual tuition payment paid in full by May 1, 2024.  

Plan II - Semi-Annual Installments: Payment Deadlines; First installment plus fees due on May 1, 2024. The second installment is due November 1, 2024.

Plan III - 10 Monthly Installments:  Payment Deadlines: First installment plus fees due May 1, 2024. Remaining equal monthly payments from June 1, 2024-February 1, 2025.

Payments can be made by cash, check (payable to Notre Dame High School), or by logging into Tuition Management. Questions regarding tuition should be directed to Mrs. Rachel Blessing, Business Manager, [email protected] or (203) 937-3217. 

Click here to Login to Tuition Management



We are offering a Lenovo Chromebook for the upcoming year which will be billed to families in August. The flat fee for all digital textbooks is $450.00.  Chromebooks and e-texts will be distributed at Freshman Orientation.  (E-Text fee is included on your enrollment contract.) 

Lenovo 300e Chromebook Gen4  - $425.00

The Lenovo 300e Chromebook is an educational powerhouse - the 300e was made for the love of learning. Its superior design and premium features were created to make classwork more effective and efficient for both teachers and students. The 11.6’’ HD Anti-glare Touchscreen Display (1366 x 769) and Stylus Pen make it easy for students to interact and excel in any classroom environment.

The Chromebook comes with a four-year accidental damage protection warranty.  This warranty covers the cost to repair water spills, keyboard malfunctions, battery charging issues, hardware failure, accidental breakage, etc.  In addition to the warranty, a Google Console Management program and GoGuardian is installed on each Chromebook, which allows for filters, monitoring, classroom management, and theft recovery.

If you have any questions regarding the Chromebook or e-textbooks, please contact:  Mr. Brian Footit-Director of Instructional Technology, [email protected].


Your QuickLinks to important information

Mandatory New Student Registration Forms: 

Placement Exam Registration Form (due on May 16) 

Student Activities Registration Form (due on June 30) 

Carpool Network Registration (due on August 1) 

Transportation Registration form (due on August 1) 

If you have questions about the New Student Registration Forms, please contact the Admission Team at [email protected]. More information about Placement Exams, Clubs, Athletics, Transportation and more can be found by clicking on the icons below. 


Appearance Code


Fine Arts

join a club


Summer Reading


2024 checklist

Class of 2028 Click Here                                                                 Classes of 2026 & 2027 Transfers Click here