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Elisabetta Gibellato Haversat

Member Information

Department(s):Modern and Classical Languages Department
Position:Faculty, Modern and Classical Languages

Contact Information

Email:[email protected]

Other Information


Elisabetta Gibellato Haversat grew up in a small town near Venice, Italy, and moved to the United States, where she married her husband Robert,  a native of Guilford, CT. They have two grown children: a daughter who lives in Princeton, NJ and a son who lives in Los Angeles.  She holds a BS and MA degrees in Political Science from the University of Padua, Italy. She is a certified Italian teacher in the State of CT. For the past 6 years, before joining ND, she taught Italian at Torrington High School and is also an Adjunct Professor of Italian language and Culture at Albertus Magnus College. 

She is a board member of the Italian American Historical Society of Connecticut and, as a volunteer, teaches free Italian classes on Saturdays at the Archives of the Society on the University of Southern CT Campus. In addition to all things Italian, she loves taking long walks to decompress and cooking and traveling to Italy.

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